Thursday, November 21, 2013
Success! We have a board.
But we made it.
All five board members ran for re-election and no one else decided to run so the board does not change, except that John McQuiston (alias your humble blog author) will become the HOA Secretary and Lauren Brusa becomes the at-large member. This means that I must take the minutes at the meetings instead of Lauren, and that I might have to pay closer attention!
Members of the HOA also voted unanimously to approve a change in how we save money in our reserves, going from what's called the component method to something known as the pooled method. It's also called the cash-flow method. It will give the HOA more flexibility in spending money from the reserves on things we need to repair.
For instance, we've re-painted some of the buildings after repairing cracks in them. We spent money from the general fund for that. It means we can reduce - some - how much we contribute to our painting reserves, and also means that if, say, our roads wear out faster than we expected, we can move money from the painting reserve to fix the roads.
I think I got all that correct.
I know this is true: our next HOA meeting is December 17. I hope to see you there.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Annual Meeting TONIGHT
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Note about proxy forms
Monday, November 11, 2013
Annual Meeting Next Tuesday, November 19
We have our annual meeting next Tuesday. It happens at the usual location, the River of Life Christian Church on Krycul Avenue in Riverview. Start time ins 7:15 p.m.This is the meeting at which we elect the board members for the next year. We need a quorum of owners (approximately 80) either to attend the meeting, or to return a proxy form for the meeting to happen.
This is important. If we fail to reach a quorum, and can't elect a board, our HOA could go into receivership, and we'd pay lawyers a lot of money to do what our fellow owners currently do for free.
Notice of the meeting, including a proxy form, should have arrived in your mailbox by now. If not, please email and we'll email a copy of the form to you.
You need only fill out the first two parts of the form. If you want to designate someone to vote in your place, you can select (b) and write that person's name. Otherwise choose (a). That basically says you give consent for the meeting to happen. Then complete the section that asks for your name, unit address, and signature.
You can scan and email your completed form to the board (at the address above).
Please take a few minutes to do this vital service for your community.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Will HOA Rates Rise? HOA Meeting Tomorrow, Budget on Agenda
The board had what's called a reserve study done. That's when a company comes in, inspects our community and its finances, and writes a report about how well we're putting money away for future repairs on our buildings, our roofs, our roads, our pool, and anything else that might need fixing or replacing someday.
Its verdict? We're not doing as well as we should.
We are lucky that one of our board members happens to be a CPA, and she has diligently crunched numbers to see what we can do to save the money we need, while also paying our regular expenses, such as the water, electricity, and insurance bills (which are our largest costs).
Her verdict? We can't do it without raising HOA fees.
Don't blame her. Our management company's accountant submitted a preliminary budget with a pretty sizable fee hike. The board had a lot of discussion both at at the last regularly scheduled meeting, and at a special meeting the following week devoted solely to the budget, which was also open to any unit owner.
But it's not too late to offer your input. Are there things we spend money on that we don't need? Are there ways to get the goods and services we do need for less money? Bring your ideas to the meeting tomorrow night.
How much might fees rise? The board doesn't know yet. It will depend in part on whether we can change the way we fund our reserve accounts. That will also come up at the meeting, which happens at the usual place, the River of Life Christian Center on Krycul Ave., at 7 p.m.
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013
HOA Fees May Rise
After staying flat for at least six years, our HOA fees may rise next year, and somewhat significantly. That's a major takeaway from tonight's HOA board meeting.
Thank a hike in the community's insurance premiums for a lot of that. And thank an examination of our budget that revealed that we don't contribute enough to our reserves for the rest.
The HOA had a reserve study done this summer. It looks at how much money we sock away for things like replacing the roofs of the buildings when they reach the end of their useful lives. The board had been careful to fund the reserves at the levels recommended in our initial reserve study that our home builder, KB Home, had done when it first established St. Charles Place.
It wasn't enough.
The new reserve study recommends saving more. We could ignore that advice, but we'd expose ourselves to the risk of having to pay for a large repair all at once. Then we'd all get a giant bill, in addition to our regular dues, called an assessment to pay for it.
You can see why the board wants to avoid that possibility.
You might wonder where all the money currently pay goes. Our biggest expense is our water bill, followed by our property insurance, landscape maintenance, and building repair.
We also have coming expenses getting rid of dead trees so that they don't fall onto our homes, and removing those live oak trees that KB Home planted right next to our buildings that will eventually damage the foundations if left in place.
We also look for ways to better secure our community from crime. We've not had a lot of it, but some car break-ins a few weeks ago reignited discussion about possible ways to deter crime.
We plan to have a Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputy speak at our next meeting about what we can do. Ideas range from paying for patrols to installing security cameras. One board member favors installing a gate, though that doesn't seem popular on the board, and our bylaws would make it hard to get that done even if everyone favored a gate.
Whatever we do will cost money. My money. Your money. So you should give some thought about what you'd like to see, and how much it's worth it to you to see it. The board wants to hear your thoughts.
The next meeting comes September 24 at the usual location, River of Life Christian Church on Krycul Ave. I'll post reminders as we get closer to the date.
Friday, August 23, 2013
HOA Meeting Tuesday -- With Special Guests
- Jamie McManus from Waste Management on recycling.
- Long-time residents will remember that we once had curbside recycling. After three years, Waste Management notified us that it was a mistake because we don't have curbside trash pickup, and stopped the service. We'll hear what options we might have to begin it again in some form, though probably not curbside pickup.
- Patrick Brockus from Gulf Coast Outdoors on landscaping.
- We've had one person at recent meetings ask about our landscaping, specifically, can we spruce it up around the community's entrances. Some have also wondered what the landscaping company's responsibilities are, and have had questions about yard waste left behind.
- Mark Hughes from Arborist Abroad on tree trimming
- Some of our trees touch buildings and serve as roadways for ants and other insects. We also have many oak trees too close to our buildings that we need to move. Our builder, KB Home, planted them there not caring that one day they could grow large enough to damage the foundations of our buildings. KB knew they looked nice and grew fast, and that would help them sell units.
We meet at the usual place, Tuesday at 7 p.m.:
River of Life Christian Center
6605 Krycul Avenue
Riverview, FL 33569
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Sunday, July 28, 2013
Special Meeting Tomorrow
Friday, July 19, 2013
HOA Meeting Tuesday
Location: River of Life Christian Center
6605 Krycul Avenue
Riverview, FL 33569
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Have a happy -- and safe -- Independence Day
Uncle Sam looks pretty good for a guy about to turn 237 years old. As we enjoy a day off to celebrate Independence Day, please take care to keep yourself and your neighbors safe. Also remember that our community has 268 homes in tight proximity. Consider your neighbors when you decide how to celebrate. I know at least one who must get up to go to work Thursday and Friday mornings.
I know you can't spit without hitting one of those roadside stands that sell fireworks. A quirk in state law prohibits local governments from banning fireworks sales, even though you can't legally set them off without a permit unless you run a fish hatchery or are a farmer using them to scare birds away from their crops. I swear to God that's true.
Fortunately, no none that I know about in our neighborhood has ever fired gunshots in celebration of any holiday. But a boy in Ruskin still recovers from injuries suffered when a stray bullet, apparently fired in elation, struck him in the head January 1 of last year.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
No HOA Meeting Tuesday
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
HOA Meeting Tuesday
Also, HOA board president David Hey reports that the commercial property next to us (between US-301 and Dartmouth Hill Road) has changed hands. Mitusina Miroslav of Ruskin bought it last month for $475,000. He runs a business and does not appear to be a developer so we're not sure what plans he has for the property. The board plans to invite Mr. Miroslav to one of our HOA meetings.
River of Life Christian Center
6605 Krycul Avenue
Riverview, FL 33569
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Friday, February 22, 2013
Our water is safe + meeting Tuesday
Second, our monthly HOA meeting happens Tuesday, at the usual location, at 7 p.m.
River of Life Christian Center
6605 Krycul Avenue
Riverview, FL 33569
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Victory for Now
But, for now, we win.
While sympathetic to the Barclay Group's right to develop the property (as were we in our presentation), commissioners heard from us a now common thought among their constituents: People want development that does more than make their communities another in the long line of strip malls that populate too much of our state.
We also tried to impress on commissioners that the unusual proximity between the commercial development and ours meant that the developer had an obligation to build something that was compatible with hundreds of homes so close by.
Commissioners seemed open to changing the Riverview Uptown Overlay District that rules what developers can build in the 4-acre plot next to us, and we'll need to stay involved in any process that could alter the overlay district, and to see what the developers come back with.
This will be one topic of discussion when we have our next HOA meeting next Tuesday, January 22, at the usual location. Time is 7 p.m. Map to the location is below.
River of Life Christian Center
6605 Krycul Avenue
Riverview, FL 33569
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Commercial Development - Your Help Needed
Regarding the commercial development at the entryway to our community, it the County's Development Services Department supports the developer's request to waive a number of the design rules for the parcel.
The County's Planning Services Commission opposes the request.
The difference could come down to you when Hillsborough County Commissioners hold a hearing this coming Tuesday, January 15, and decide whether to grant the developer's request.
Please call your County Commissioners and let them know you object to PRS 12-0600 and that you support the Riverview Uptown Overlay District.
Al Higginbotham - 813 -272-5740 (Our District Representative)
Kevin Beckner - 813-272-5730 (Countywide)
Mark Sharpe - 813-272-5735 (Countywide)
Ken Hagen - 813-272-5725 (Countywide)
Les Miller - 813-272-5720
Victor Crist - 813-272-5452
Sandra Murman - 813-272-5470
You can also write a letter to County Commissioners asking them to reject the application. Send it to the planner with Hillsborough County Development Services that is leading the review of this application. Her name is Isabelle Albert. Her email is Again, be sure to refer to application number is PRS 12-0600.
If you want details about the developer's plans, and why they're bad for St. Charles Place, find background here, as well as a copy of the letter I wrote to commissioners. Read more details on this page.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Strategy Session Tuesday
If you live in the community, you are welcome to attend, even if you cannot appear at the hearing itself, which happens at the county building in Tampa the following Tuesday, January 15.
The board believes that granting the waiver for developers of the land between Dartmouth Hill Road and US-301 would do great harm to our community. We believe the rules in place (the Riverview Uptown Overlay District, if you want to do some research on it, or just look through previous entries on the blog here for details) allow the developer plenty of latitude to develop the land in a way that honors its right to develop it, while protecting the rights of the people who have to live in very close proximity to it.
We have some ideas already on a multi-pronged strategy that will illustrate our story for commissioners. But if you have something to add, even if it's simple silent support, please join us.