Tuesday, November 9, 2010

St. Charles Place HOA Meeting Thursday

I realize you know that already if you check this site with any regularity. I wanted to add that while this is an important meeting, it does not mean it has to be a long one.

You're not being asked to make a night of it.

The budget must simply be approved, it doesn't actually have to be put together at this meeting. That has already happened, barring feedback from owners that leads the board to think the budget needs adjustment. Last year, approving the budget took about 15 minutes.

Electing new board members will take a little longer but it should not be a drawn out affair.

Most of the time spent at HOA meetings comes in discussions about issues that come up during the agenda and then with the open owner forum. The agenda for this meeting is not long so it should go by pretty quickly.

I'm sure after the elections, the open forum will probably generate some discussion but you don't have to stay for that. Please try to make it, even if it's for only long enough for the meeting to establish its quorum.


  1. does anyone have an email address for anyone on the st charles place HOA as I have been trying to get in touch with them since last March... regard
    my email is soc@wiztec.ie

  2. You can reach the HOA at board@stcharlesplace.us or by emailing our property manager Brian Wade at bwade@lelandmanagement.com.
