Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fireworks are Illegal

Yes, I know. There's a huge tent in the Sweetbay parking lot across US-301 selling them, so what's with the headline?

Here's the thing: Because of a quirk in state law, communities are not allowed to ban the sale of fireworks in the state. But they're not legal to set off unless you're using them to scare birds away from farm crops or fish hatcheries, light the way for a railroad, or to take them out of state.

I'm not making that up.

And that waiver you have to sign probably lists only the state statute numbers, but it says you agree that you're only going to use them for one of the reasons above. The waiver does not protect you one iota from liability for any damage you cause. It protects only the seller, who can pull out the form you signed and say, "hey, he said he was only going to use them legally."

I know that regardless of the law and regardless of the pleas of neighbors whose children and pets get scared at the sound of the explosions, there will be idiots who think they have to put on a show inside a densely populated community like ours where they truly don't belong.

I sincerely hope that you are not one of them.


  1. So glad we pay over $200 a month in HOA fees for some ignorant dick to call people in the neighborhood idiots. Who cares if people are doing little firecrackers or what not. I love where I live but dealing with the power trip board members that make up our HOA makes it really difficult to deal with this neighborhood at times.

  2. You don't pay anything for this blog. If you bothered to read it, you'd know that I write it and that its contents do not always reflect the HOA board's opinion.

    If you are so concerned about the HOA board's membership, show up to a meeting. Or better, run for a seat yourself. Elections are this fall.

    Who cares if people are doing little firecrackers or whatnot? I do.

    I care that the noise doesn't stop until well after 2 a.m. I care that my pets and my neighbors' children freak out and there's no way to comfort them. And I care that I come out the next day to find the community littered with debris because the same idiots who have no consideration for their neighbors also lack the decency to clean up after themselves.

    I like living here too, but the anonymous morons like you who act like they're still in the trailer park make it really difficult at times.

  3. I live her since 2006. Me and my husband used to do fireworks for New Years and 4th of July. Our neighbors really enjoyed it. We never had a problem. Also we used to clean the street after everything came down. It is just that some people are not considered enough.

  4. Not all of your neighbors enjoyed it. And in a community like ours where there are so many homes so close to each other, there is no way to keep the noise from affecting everyone.
