Thursday, September 27, 2012


Feedback from fellow board members about my post below alerted me to a need to make clear whose voice this blog represents. While I created it for the benefit of our community, I did so on my own.

Over time, as people looking for news and information about our community found this site, it grew into the de facto web site for the community. I'm glad it became a useful resource for people, and I've taken time to upgrade its functionality to make it a better tool for us.

But this blog has never been officially approved, sanctioned or controlled by the St. Charles Place HOA board of directors. I have written every word of this blog, and I am solely responsible for its content. I have always had the disclaimer on the site that says it includes opinions independent of the board's, and I have moved it up higher on the right-hand column of the page to make it more prominent.

I usually avoid mentioning my name, not for the sake of anonymity, but only because I want Google searches for me to take people to my professional web site instead of here. But come to any HOA board meeting (I've never missed one) and you'll find me, happy to discuss anything you read here, or any issue confronting our community.


1 comment:

  1. John,
    I really appreciate your blog, it is where I go for all community updates. Thanks so much for creating and updating it!!
