Saturday, January 16, 2010


OK, it's warm again and this would have helped you more a week or two ago when Florida was mysteriously doing its best impersonation of Iowa. But should we plunge into another freeze, here are some things to keep in mind.

Suzanne Grant of Progress Energy said it costs about $10 more a day in 30-degree weather to heat an 1,850-square-foot house with the thermostat at 68 degrees than when it's 50 outside.

Kenneth Hernandez of Tampa Electric said the typical Floridian, with no furnace, will use emergency heat, which costs almost triple.

He notes:

  • Every degree under 70 on the thermostat saves 10 percent on your heating bill.

  • You'll save by turning it down to 65 if you're leaving the house for at least two hours.

  • Running a 1,500-watt heater all day costs $149 a month.

  • Information from the St. Petersburg Times. More information at and