Monday, November 18, 2019

Action Needed - Annual Meeting Wednesday

The St. Charles Place HOA has its annual meeting Wednesday. It happens at 7 p.m. in the the office of Excelsior Property Management at 6554 Krycul Avenue in the Krycul Business Center. See the map below.

This is the one meeting a year that homeowners need to act to ensure the HOA functions on its own for another year. We need 30% of eligible owners (ones not more than 90 days behind in their dues) either to attend the meeting in person or to return a proxy form for the meeting to become official, which will let the HOA elect its board of directors for next year.

If we can't elect a board, that does not mean the HOA goes away. Or that we don't pay dues. It could mean that our HOA goes into something called receivership, which means that we'd pay lawyers a whole bunch of money to do what fellow homeowners currently do for free.

With 268 units, we'd need about 87 to reach 30%. Not all units are eligible, so the actual number (I don't know it offhand) is lower, but it's more than the 50 or so proxies our management company had in hand as of Monday morning.

If you can't find your proxy form, which should have come to you by snail mail last month, email and we'll get you another. It's too late to mail it in, but you can scan and email it back to by Wednesday at 4 p.m. and it will count.

You should return a proxy form even if you plan to attend the meeting. Returning a proxy does not surrender your right to participate in person. If you show up, they throw out the proxy.