Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a great Christmas and will enjoy a grand new year. I know those tents selling fireworks are more ubiquitous than CVS and Walgreen's right now, but before you decide to try a homemade fireworks show, I hope you'll consider your neighbors.

We have 268 units in close proximity and exploding fireworks anywhere will affect all of us who live here, whether they want to share in the revelry or not.

Pets, including my own, get terrified by the noise, and there is no way to calm or explain it to them. July 4 is the date that animal shelters see the most stray dogs because panicked animals take off.

New Year's Eve must run a close second.

I won't bother to talk about how setting off fireworks actually breaks the law, unless you run a farm or own a fish hatchery, which at last check no one here does.

I will, however, note that we just paid more than $40,000 to have our roads resurfaced, and if someone damages it, they'll get to pay for another coat of coverage. And this ain't the cheap stuff you buy at Lowes.

If you cannot ring in the new year without ringing your ears with explosions, I hope you will find an empty parking lot nearby or maybe the empty field at the front of the community near US-301. That would put at least a little space between the cacaphony and people who don't want a front row seat.

Please be safe.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Road Stripes Return Dec. 21-22

The road resurfacing project should finish today, with all barriers removed by tomorrow at 7 p.m. Yay!

Workers will return December 21 and 22 to lay down the road markings that the resurfacing covered over. You won't have to move your car like you had to for the resurfacing. Here's how it will work: workers will do as much of the striping of the roads and parking spaces as possible on the 21st. They'll return the 22nd to do any that they could not complete the first day.

If you don't have a driveway, please try to park in a space that workers have already re-striped when you come home on the 21st. Also please try to park WITHIN the lines, especially where stripes still need to go down. This will help make sure workers can get all the other spaces done.