Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Halloween Get-Together Flyer

Yesterday someone placed a bunch of flyers at the mail kiosk about a Halloween get-together at the pool. Your humble blog author did not see them but an HOA board member cleaned up the mess after the flyers had fallen to the ground.

There are a couple of problems:
  1. People have to work through the HOA to post any notices in the community, otherwise it's just like any solicitor distributing advertising flyers, which we don't permit.

  2. The event itself invites dogs to the pool area. Dogs are prohibited in the pool area at all times. Food, even Halloween candy, is not allowed there, either.

Speaking of dogs, the declarations (the community rules), to which every buyer in St. Charles Place agreed, specifies that dogs must be 40 lbs. or less. You have no doubt noticed dogs here that exceed that limit.

Please understand, the HOA does not oppose people meeting. It is not trying to get in the way of your right to freely assemble. Just beware that if you do want to organize a gathering that both the meeting and the means you use to publicize it must follow the community rules.