Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Telephone/Cable TV

    BrightHouse Networks

    Cable: 813-684-6400
    Internet: 813-316-2626
    Phone: 352-848-2580 (611 for BrightHouse customers calling from home)


    FIOS Sales: 888-881-8161
    Billing/Repair: 800-837-4966
    Orders: 800-483-4000
    FIOS Customer Service: 888-553-1555


Pest Control

    The HOA contracts for pest control outside the buildings.

    Hughes Exterminators is the current contractor supplying pest control services to St. Charles Place. They will treat the inside of a townhouse upon request from the owner during one of their regular visits to the community. This is being provided as a courtesy to the community and is not part of their contract, so the offer may be withdrawn at any time.

    To schedule service, contact Allen at 813-334-5846 or 813-884-1555.