Sunday, November 1, 2015

Important Notice Plus an Unimportant One

Notice for our annual budget and election meeting goes out Monday. Check your mailboxes a few days after that.

This is important. It's the one time of the year you need to take action for your HOA. If you can attend the meeting November 18, fantastic. If not, please return the proxy form that essentially says that you give permission for the meeting to happen without you.

We need 30% of our owners either to attend the meeting or return a proxy form for us to reach a quorum that will make the meeting official.

If we can't reach quorum to have the meeting, we can't elect a board of directors for next year. If we can't do that, our HOA could go into what's called receivership, in which we'd pay lawyers boatloads of money to do what our fellow homeowners currently do for free.

You can scan and email your signed proxy form. So it costs you nothing and could save you a lot of money.

It's a good idea to return a proxy form even if you plan to attend the meeting just in case something comes up last minute and you can't come. Turning in a proxy for does not forfeit your right to attend and vote at the meeting. If you show up, they throw out the proxy.

Please don't put this off.

Now the unimportant news. One of your fellow homeowners, who happens to be your humble blog author, is a musician who will play and sing some of his songs live on WMNF-FM in Tampa tonight. The Musicians Wanted program begins at 11 p.m. and you can listen at 88.5 FM or online anywhere you can get a decent internet signal at

You can listen to home studio recordings of "Mr John" at

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