Tuesday, May 17, 2016

HOA Meeting Tomorrow Night

Apologies for not more postings here. At the last meeting, the HOA board deferred decisions on a couple of major issues until the annual meeting so that more unit owners can offer an opinion on what to do. One of them concerns vehicles speeding on our roads. We have a couple of long straightaways that let people so inclined to gather a pretty good rate of speed. With pedestrians and children often playing in the streets, this is not wise. True, we have no posted speed limits in the community, but that shouldn't leave drivers to assume that they can go as fast as possible. Options for dealing with this include installing speed limit signs and speed humps, and/or hiring either a sheriff's deputy or having our management company (for additional fees), do radar enforcement of speed limits that the HOA would post. The other big issue that the board wants HOA membership feedback on is assigning one parking space to each unit that does not have a garage. Units with garages already have two assigned spaces, one in the driveway and one inside the garage. Our property manager has pushed for assigning spaces, arguing that it would guarantee residents without garages a parking space near their unit and clarify that any other spaces are open to any resident or guest. Your humble blog author, who would benefit from labeled spaces because he has a one-car household and no garage, disagrees. The problems come down to simple math: too many cars in some parts of the community because people who have garages don't use them as parking spaces. Painting the asphalt won't solve that. The HOA board decided that both issues could wait for the annual meeting so that a larger sample of unit owners could offer opinions. Meantime, there is an HOA meeting tomorrow (as I type this, anyway, it's Wednesday, May 18) at the usual location in the Krycul Business Center at 7 p.m.

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