Saturday, December 23, 2017

Happy Holidays!

Your humble blog author is too lazy to decorate for the holidays, but loves seeing all the lights up around the neighborhood. We usually have "trash disasters" at the dumpsters when people toss out all the boxes their gifts came in, and the old stuff they replace.

It will help if you crush boxes and wrapping as much as possible. And if you can wait until the Wednesday pick up to throw packaging away, that will keep the dumpsters from overflowing, too.

Also, if you have perfectly good stuff that you don't need that someone else might want, you can often get someone to come get it from you. I have gotten rid of a large couch and chair by putting an ad on craigslist. My trash really was someone else's treasure.

In other news, our second attempt at an annual HOA meeting happens January 18th. That's on a Thursday, which is not the usual day of the week we meet. This is the meeting we'll elect the board members for next year.

One board member is moving so she has resigned. That leaves one seat we know needs filling. And all the positions are up for grabs every year, so if you want to help improve your community, run for a spot on the board. Just email the property manager, and let her know of your interest.

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